To 2009 Class: Senior Clerkship Information

2013-11-28   |  

2009 Class Students:

We've put the information relate to senior clerkship in attached Excel file. Please read and verify your information carefully, and let us know if there is any mistake. By the end of next week, we will transfer it to the hospitals.  No one will be allowed to make change thereafter. We will arrange time for you to talk to the person in hospital who is in charge of your senior clerkship arrangement. You can discuss with him/her if you have specific requirements such as you want to be in particular rotation schedule, you plan to take part of the clerkship abroad, etc.

Please contact Vivian if you have any question.

International Office

Nov. 28, 2013

Please click the link below to view(please make sure there are three tabs: partnership, electives and HSK on the bottom left corner of the Excel file)

Senior Cleriship Arrangement Info