发表论文 |
发表学术论文30余篇,其中SCI/EI检索55篇。 近几年发表的主要论文如下: [1] Wu Chunli#, Liu Hanbing, Qin Xuxi*, Tan Guojin, Gu Zhengwei,, Multi-stage method to identify structural damage using multiple damage location assurance criterion and an improved differential evolution algorithm, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 2017, 10(1): 1066~1081 [2] Wu Chunli#, Liu Hanbing, Qin Xuxi*, Wang Jing, Stabilization diagrams to distinguish physical modes and spurious modes for structural parameter identification, Journal of Vibroengineering, 2017.6.6, 19(4): 2777~2794 [3] Wu, Chunli# , Liu, Hanbing*, Li Yan, Sensor optimal placement for structural health monitoring based on stabilization diagram , Key Engineering Materials, 2013, 540: 47~54 [4] 吴春利#,刘寒冰,王静,模糊聚类算法稳定图应用于桥梁结构参数识别振动与冲击,2013.2.28, (04): 121~126 [5]. Chunli Wu, Liding Li, Yongchun Cheng, Zhengwei Gu, Zehua Lv, Renbing Wang, Baigeng Guan, "Effect of Diatomite and Basalt Fibers on Pavement Performance and Vibration Attenuation of Waste Tires Rubber-Modified Asphalt Mixtures", Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2020, Article ID 8853428, 13 pages, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/8853428. [6]. Chunli Wu, Liding Li, Wensheng Wang, Zhengwei Gu. Experimental Characterization of Viscoelastic Behaviors of Nano-TiO2/CaCO3 Modified Asphalt and Asphalt Mixture. Nanomaterials (Basel, Switzerland), 01/2021, 卷 11, 期 1 [6]. Li, Liding; Wu, Chunli; Cheng, Yongchun ; Ai, Yongming; Li, He; Tan, Xiaoshu. Comparative Analysis of Viscoelastic Properties of Open Graded Friction Course under Dynamic and Static Loads. Polymers, 04/2021, 卷 13, 期 8 [7]. Zhu, Bing; Liu, Hanbing; Li, Wenjun; Wu, Chunli; Chai, Chao. Sensors; Basel Vol. 20, Iss. 18, (2020): 5090. DOI:10.3390/s20185090, Fracture Behavior of Permeable Asphalt Mixtures with Steel Slag under Low Temperature Based on Acoustic Emission Technique. [8] Yongchun Cheng#, Yuwei Zhang, Chunli Wu*, and Yubo Jiao, Experimental and simulation study on diffusion behavior of chloride Ion in cracking concrete and reinforcement corrosion, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2018.,2018: 1~14. [9] Tan Guojin, Shan Jinghui, Wu, Chunli, and Wang Wensheng, Free vibration analysis of cracked Timoshenko beams carrying spring-mass systems, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2017, 63(4): 551-565. (Corresponding Author) [10] Tan Guojin, Shan Jinghui, Wu, Chunli, and Wang Wensheng, Direct and inverse problems on free vibration of cracked multiple I-section beam with different boundary conditions, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2017, 9 (11). (Corresponding Author) |
获奖情况 |
(1) 2010年9月在kaiyun·云开官网“第四届青年教师教学水平大赛”决赛中荣获二等奖; (2)“智联友道杯”第十六届全国大学生交通运输科技大赛,二等奖,桥墩偏位快速检测技术,指导教师,2021年7月 (3) 吴春利(5/8), 季节冻土区路基抗冻融稳定控制技术研究, 吉林省科技厅, 科技进步, 省部二等奖, 2012 (刘寒冰; 程永春; 魏海斌; 谭国金; 吴春利; 焦峪波; 宫亚峰; 李长雨) (4) 吴春利(7/11),季冻区交通基础设施安全监测关键技术研究,吉林省科技厅,科技进步,省部一等奖,2015 (刘寒冰,程永春,宫亚峰,谭国金,焦峪波,魏海斌,吴春利,秦绪喜,毕海鹏,张鹏,王贤强) (5) 吴春利(5/8), 季节冻土区路基抗冻融稳定控制技术研究, 吉林省科技厅, 科技进步, 省部二等奖, 2012 (刘寒冰; 程永春; 魏海斌; 谭国金; 吴春利; 焦峪波; 宫亚峰; 李长雨) (6) 2017年10月在“第十届全国大学生网络商务创新应用大赛2017年大数据分析专业竞赛(吉林赛区)”中荣获优秀指导教师称号,指导学生获团队三等奖。 |